Felicia Nimue Ackerman
Felicia Nimue Ackerman's essays on bioethics have appeared in The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics, Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, The Hastings Center Report, The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics, The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy, vox.com, and elsewhere. Her work on philosophical themes in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur has appeared in Arthuriana, Midwest Studies in Philosophy, and elsewhere. She is completing a book, Ethics and Character in Malory's Le Morte Darthur, for Palgrave. Her sixteen short stories have appeared in Ascent, Commentary, Mid-American Review, Playgirl, Prize Stories 1990: The O. Henry Awards, and elsewhere. Her approximately 280 poems have appeared in American Atheist, The American Scholar, The Boston Globe, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Down in the Dirt, The Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin, Free Inquiry, Light, Lighten Up Online,The Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, The New Verse News, The New York Times, Options Magazine, The Providence Journal, Rhode Island Monthly, Scientific American, Sparks of Calliope, Time, The Wall Street Journal, Your Daily Poem, and elsewhere. She wrote a monthly op-ed column for The Providence Journal for fourteen years until Gannett stopped using regular freelance columnists, and she writes a poetry column ("Felicitations") for Options. Her op-ed columns have been reprinted in Chicago Sun-Times, The Detroit News, The Korea Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Seattle Times, and elsewhere. She has been profiled in The New Yorker ,on NPR and in Rhode Island Monthly https://view.joomag.com/rhode-island-monthly-december-2019/0645837001573749060?shor
She has been a Senior Fulbright Lecturer in philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as well as a fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences/National Endowment for the Humanities fellow.
Her recent seminar topics include Fiction as a Vehicle for Exploring Ethical Issues in Education, and Love, Loyalty, Language, and Politics in George Orwell's Writing
Last but definitely not least, you can see from the picture that she has the most beautiful of all possible cats.
- "Current Laws Permitting Assisted Suicide Are Morally Indefensible"
- "A Limited Defense of Medicalization"
- "Break Break, Break"
- "Buddies"
- "Flourish Your Heart in this World"
- "The Forecasting Game"
- "The Other Two Sides"
- "Coronavirus Is a Curse"
- "Democracies Can Disagree"
- "The Fat Ladies Sing"
- "Greener Than Thou"
- "Had I Not Tasted Rum"
- "Measures Restricting"
- "My New Year's Resolutions"
- "A Narrow Fellow in the Glass"
- "Nixon's No Longer the One"
- "Potshot"
- "She Ate and Drank the Luscious Treats"
- "The Soul Selects Her Social Distance"
- "The Violet Hour"
- "The Waist Is Larger Than the Belt"
- "You Are Old, Father William (with apologies to Lewis Carroll)"
Op-Ed Columns
- "Assigning Blame for a Shooting"
- "Death Education or Moral Manipulation?"
- "Face It, Attitude Isn't Everything"
- "How to Build a Bad Health-Care Model"
- "The Incredible World of Covid-19"
- "Must Your Life Be an Open Book?"
- "Random Acts of Kindness"
- "Real Reasons '1984' is Must-Read"
- "There's Nothing Liberal About the Nanny State"
- "To What Lengths to Prolong Life?"
- "Who's Afraid of Accurate Language"
- "Zingers in the Classroom"